Market Research Mini Course


All the guidance, tools and strategies you need to conduct effective interviews with your target audience. Find out what you need to know so you can attract more clients and increase sales.

This mini course is perfect for you if you are:

  • Starting a business and need to gain a deep understanding of your target market’s struggles and goals.
  • Taking your business to the next level and not clear which services your ideal clients will actually pay for.
  • Working on your website and wanting to make sure the text really resonates.
  • Creating a new online course or program and need to validate interest.
  • Finding your social media posts and marketing efforts are not working so you think it might be time to go back to basics.

Market research is one of those things many solopreneurs know about, but don’t know how to do. Others skip this step because they mistakenly believe it will be difficult or expensive. And yet, it’s arguably the most valuable thing you can do in your business.

Don’t worry! I’m going to make this easy, and walk you through the process step by step.

It’s time to get out of your own head.

All those brilliant business ideas swirling around in your head? They won’t amount to much if they don’t align with what your audience is motivated to buy.

That gorgeous website you’re building? It won’t convince clients if the messages there don’t reflect what your audience thinks and feels.

Live one-on-one conversations are what gets you out of your own head, and into theirs!

Nothing compares to talking directly with your ideal client.

There are many different ways to conduct market research. But individual interviews are by far the most effective way.

Why? Because they enable free-flowing conversation, follow-up questions to dig deeper, and the ability to read non-verbal cues.

There is an art and science to this, and that’s what I’m going to teach you.

  • Strategies to find and approach people for interviews.
  • Best practices to get the most out of your conversations.
  • Tools and tips to analyze and make use of all the insights.
  • Helpful worksheets and templates that save you time.


Everything you need to conduct effective interviews and no fluff! So you can quickly learn exactly what you need to know and put it into action.

You get four mini modules including quick video lessons, mini guides, and helpful worksheets.



Plan and prepare

Identify your goals and the right questions to ask to ensure you get the insights you need.


Find and convince people

Learn simple strategies to secure interviews with the right people (ideal client types).



The art of the interview

Understand best practices and mistakes to avoid so you can get the most value out of these conversations.


Bringing it all together

Organize key insights and make sure you achieve your goals by creating an action plan.

Ready to rock this research thing?


Hey, I’m Beth. I help coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses get clear on their unique brilliance, business, and brand. And as a result, create more impact and income.

I’m confident the mini course and market research conversations will be so worth it! You will gain more clarity and confidence, knowing exactly how to tweak your services and improve your messaging to increase sales.

If you have any questions, get in touch, I’m happy to help.



Beth Farris Consulting
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+31 06 827 320 10
KvK/CoC: 68069618
BTW/VAT: NL002462833B46

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